Life, Relationships, Study, Writing

Reflection & Reconciliation

It's been two weeks since my ex moved out. Two weeks riding the rollercoaster of stomach churning emotions from fury to devastation. Reconciling the awful truth of his betrayal (I discovered he had been sleeping with her since the summer), and trying to understand why this has happened to me again. When we first met,… Continue reading Reflection & Reconciliation

Publishing, Writing

Tropes and Trends

I’ve recently been availing myself of schlocky 70’s and 80’s horror movies. Halloween, Friday The 13th, Hellraiser, and A Nightmare On Elm Street. The early entries in these franchises have not aged well, and for the most part, border on hilarity. However, despite how they've aged, their tropes remain a constant. Menacing antagonist. Plucky protagonist.… Continue reading Tropes and Trends

Education, Life, Writing

Education Is The Key To Illumination.

I recently received my EMA score as part of my degree course with the Open University. I've comfortably passed, but just fell short of a distinction. However, this means I have qualified for a Certificate in Higher Education (yay me). I am a third of the way through, and it amazes me everyday that I'm… Continue reading Education Is The Key To Illumination.